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Road map

Updated March 3, 2025.

Want to influence the road map? Learn more about how to work on System Initiative.

Management components

Think of this like templates, import and workflows smashed together. Essentially components that can create and manage other components. Think "applications" that take properties, and then expand into the required infrastructure; or have deploy actions that pull from artifact repositories and then run actions across the infrastructure.

Read the blog post to learn more.

Management Functions (Generally Available)

Management functions allow a model to manage its own attributes; create, update, and delete components; and enqueue actions. In their first iteration, they’ll be used for three big use cases: importing existing cloud resources, modular templating, and management of existing components.

Read our announcement blog post to learn more about management functions.

Import (Generally Available)

This will let you connect any component to an existing resource.

Read our announcement blog post to learn more about import functionality

Discovery of existing cloud resources

Discover builds on import where you can discover all infrastructure within a cloud environment

Visual Templates (In private beta)

Visual templates will allow you to model your infrastructure and then extract that to a management function. The management function will keep all the geometry and connections between the components as well as the properties of the components. The management function will get added to a newly created asset which you can reuse on the diagram.

Read the blog post to learn more.

Enterprise Features

Custom authentication, ubiquitous access control, history, etc.

Approval Workflows via ReBAC (Generally Available)

We are laying the foundation of a relationship based access control (ReBAC) system using SpiceDB. This first iteration of work allows a workspace to have a defined set of approvers who curate the changes to the infrastructure before it is applied (and therefore, before making any changes to real infrastructure).

Read our announcement blog post to learn more about our approval workflows

Audit History (Generally Available)

We are providing the functionality that allows users of a workspace to see every change that has happened, who made them and when. The first iteration of this work will allow users to be able to have basic sorting and filtering of events.

Read our announcement blog post to learn more about audit history.

Fine Grained Access Control (In private beta)

We are providing the ability to attach approvers to specific sets of components, via views. This means core parts of the infrastructure can have approvers attached to them ensuring safer changes to the infrastructure.

Read the blog post to learn more.

Views (Generally Available)

Views allow the creation of custom views within the workspace. Views are a semantic representation of a group of components and components can exist in multiple views. Components in a view can connect to components in another view. This enables teams to create diagrams that are specific to their application or area of specialization.

Read our announcement blog post to learn more about views.

GitHub Actions to drive SI (In private beta)

We are building the ability for a user to embed System Initiative in their CI/CD pipeline. We are building the capability to create an access token for a workspace, pass data to a component and trigger a management function and check the status of the resulting action.

Read the blog post to learn more.

Editor Integration (In private beta)

We are building a FUSE-based file system to allow for a user to mount a workspace and get access to all of the schemas and functions within their workspace. This means a user can use their local IDE to be able to author in System Initiative.

Read the blog post to learn more.

Growing coverage of cloud platforms

We are using Generative AI as a way to accelerate the speed at which we can provide high-quality assets. We are still primarily focused on AWS, as we need to increase the coverage and quality of the assets there, but we hope to start on Google Cloud, Azure and other platforms as well. If there is something specific you want or need, come chat with us on Discord anytime.

This is currently in internal testing behind a feature flag and is anticipated to be Generally Available, January 2025.