How to deploy an AWS EKS Cluster and get access to it
This how-to assumes:
- Basic familiarity with System Initiative
- You have completed the build an AWS VPC with System Initiative tutorial (and not deleted the resulting resources)
- Basic familiarity with Kubernetes
It will teach you how to create an AWS EKS cluster and then get the correct access to it using System Initiative.
We will cover:
- The creation of an EKS cluster with a NodeGroup and a Fargate Profile
- The correct IAM configuration to allow connecting to the cluster
All activities in this how-to happen within a configured VPC, AWS Region, and AWS Credential.
Start in a Change Set named EKS How-to
What it will look like
When you are through with this guide, you should have Components that look like this in your Diagram:
Create an EKS cluster Component
Add an EKS Cluster
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to demo-eks-cluster
Set the name
to demo-eks-cluster
Set the version
to be 1.28
Add an array item to enabledLoggingTypes
Set the value of that array item to api
Set resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess
to be true
Connect the Subnet ID
Output Socket of each of the private subnet Components to the Subnet ID
Input Socket of this demo-eks-cluster
Create a Security Group Component for the Cluster
Add a Security Group
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to eks-cluster-sg
Set the GroupName
to eks-cluster-sg
Set the Description
to Security Group to allow access to the EKS Cluster
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of eks-cluster-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of the demo-eks-cluster
Create an Ingress Rule Component
Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress)
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to eks-cluster-443-ingress
Set the Description
to Ingress to allow 443 from the world
Set the TrafficPort
to 443/tcp
Add an IpRange
array item.
Set the IP Range [CIDR]
and the Description
to The world
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of eks-cluster-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of this eks-cluster-443-ingress
Create an IAM Role
Add an AWS IAM Role
Component to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to eks-cluster-role
Set the RoleName
to eks-cluster-role
Set the Description
to IAM Role for EKS Cluster
Connect the ARN
Output Socket of the eks-cluster-role
AWS IAM Role to the Role ARN
Input Socket of your demo-eks-cluster
EKS Cluster.
Create an AWS IAM Policy Statement
Add an AWS IAM Policy Statement
within the demo-eks-cluster-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to eks-cluster-role-policy
Set the Effect
to Allow
Add an array item to the Action
Set the [0]
value for the Action
array to sts:AssumeRole
Add an AWS IAM Service Principal
within the demo-eks-cluster-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to
Set the Service
Connect the Principal
Output Socket of the
AWS IAM AWS Service Principal to the Principal
Input Socket of your eks-cluster-role-policy
AWS IAM Policy Statement.
Connect Additional Access Policies to the IAM Role
Add 2 Aws IAM Role Policy
Components to the demo-eks-cluster-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Configure them as follows:
Component Name | PolicyArn |
AmazonEKSClusterPolicy | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy |
AmazonEKSServicePolicy | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSServicePolicy |
Connect the RoleName
Output Socket of the demo-eks-cluster-role
to the RoleName
Input Socket of each of the AWS IAM Role Policy Components in that frame.
Create a Fargate Profile
Add a Fargate Profile
to your demo-eks-cluster
eks cluster frame.
Set the Component type to Up Frame
Set the Component name to demo-fargate-profile
Set the fargateProfileName
to demo-fargate-profile
Connect the Subnet ID
Output Socket of each of the private subnet Components to the Subnet ID
Input Socket of this demo-fargate-profile
Add a POD Profile Selector
Component inside the demo-fargate-profile
Set the Component name to default namespace
Set the namespace
to default
Create an IAM Role for Fargate Profile
Add an AWS IAM Role
Component to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to fargate-profile-role
Set the RoleName
to fargate-profile-role
Set the Description
to IAM Role for EKS Cluster
Connect the ARN
Output Socket of the fargate-profile-role
AWS IAM Role to the Role ARN
Input Socket of your demo-fargate-profile
Fargate Profile.
Create an AWS IAM Policy Statement
Add an AWS IAM Policy Statement
within the fargate-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to fargate-profile-role-policy
Set the Effect
to Allow
Add an array item to the Action
Set the [0]
value for the Action
array to sts:AssumeRole
Add an AWS IAM Service Principal
within the fargate-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to
Set the Service
Connect the Principal
Output Socket of the
AWS IAM AWS Service Principal to the Principal
Input Socket of your fargate-profile-role-policy
AWS IAM Policy Statement.
Connect Additional Access Policy to the IAM Role
Add an Aws IAM Role Policy
Component to the fargate-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Configure it as follows:
Component Name | PolicyArn |
AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSFargatePodExecutionRolePolicy |
Connect the RoleName
Output Socket of the demo-eks-cluster-role
to the RoleName
Input Socket of each of the AWS IAM Role Policy Components in that frame.
Create a NodeGroup Component
Add a NodeGroup
to your demo-eks-cluster
eks-cluster frame.
Set the Component name to demo-nodegroup
Set the nodegroupName
to demo-nodegroup
Set the capacityType
Set the amiType
to be AL2_x86_64
Add an array item to instanceTypes
and set the value to be t3.medium
Set the scalingConfig.desiredSize
to 2
Set the scalingConfig.maxSize
to 3
Set the scalingConfig.minSize
to 1
Connect the Subnet ID
Output Socket of each of the private subnet Components to the Subnet ID
Input Socket of the demo-nodegroup
Create a Key Pair Component
Add a Key Pair
to your demo-eks-cluster
Set the Component name to demo-eks-nodegroup-key-pair
Set the KeyName
to demo-eks-nodegroup-key-pair
Connect the Key Name
Output Socket of this demo-eks-nodegroup-key-pair
Component to the Key Name
Input Socket of the demo-nodegroup
Create an IAM Role for Node Group
Add an AWS IAM Role
Component to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to nodegroup-profile-role
Set the RoleName
to nodegroup-profile-role
Set the Description
to IAM Role for EKS Cluster NodeGroup
Connect the ARN
Output Socket of the nodegroup-profile-role
AWS IAM Role to the Node Role ARN
Input Socket of your demo-nodegroup
Create an AWS IAM Policy Statement
Add an AWS IAM Policy Statement
within the nodegroup-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to nodegroup-profile-role-policy
Set the Effect
to Allow
Add an array item to the Action
Set the [0]
value for the Action
array to sts:AssumeRole
Add an AWS IAM Service Principal
within the nodegroup-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to
Set the Service
Connect the Principal
Output Socket of the
AWS IAM AWS Service Principal to the Principal
Input Socket of your nodegroup-profile-role-policy
AWS IAM Policy Statement.
Connect Additional Access Policies to the IAM Role
Add 3 Aws IAM Role Policy
Component to the nodegroup-profile-role
AWS IAM Role frame.
Configure it as follows:
Component Name | PolicyArn |
AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKS_CNI_Policy |
AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly |
AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy | arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy |
Connect the RoleName
Output Socket of the nodegroup-profile-role
to the RoleName
Input Socket of each of the AWS IAM Role Policy Components in that frame.
Create a Security Group Component for the NodeGroup
Add a Security Group
to your demo-eks-cluster
eks cluster frame.
Set the Component name to demo-eks-nodegroup-sg
Set the GroupName
to demo-eks-nodegroup-sg
Set the Description
to Security Group for the EKS NodeGroup
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of demo-eks-nodegroup-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of the demo-nodegroup
Create an Ingress Rule Component
Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress)
to your demo-eks-cluster
eks cluster frame.
Set the Component name to nodegroup-all-protocol-all-ports
Set the Description
to Ingress to allow all ports and protocols on the NodeGroup
Set the TrafficPort
to -1/-1
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of demo-eks-nodegroup-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of this nodegroup-all-protocol-all-ports
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of eks-cluster-sgComponent to the
Source Traffic Security Group IDInput Socket of this
nodegroup-all-protocol-all-ports` Component.
Apply your Change Set
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to see the apply changeset button.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create all of the desired IAM Roles and Policies
- Create all of the Security Groups
- Create an EKS Fargate Profile
- Create an EKS NodeGroup
NOTE: When creating a nodegroup and/or a fargate profile, AWS requires the cluster to be ACTIVE
. The create actions will fail with warning
messages. You can retry these actions after a period of time.
Accessing the cluster
By default, the user used to create the cluster will be the user to have access to it. It is not recommended to use access keys directly with System Initiative. The workspace uses assumeRolePolicy, so specific users will need granted access to the cluster & use kubectl to get valid responses from the clusters api server. to the cluster & use kubectl to get valid responses from the clusters api server.
Generating a KubeConfig
Using the AWS CLI, run the following command:
$ aws eks update-kubeconfig --name demo-eks-cluster --region us-east-1
The result is something similar to:
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name demo-eks-cluster --region us-east-1
Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-1:573113295293:cluster/demo-eks-cluster to /Users/stack72/.kube/config
Using kubectl, you can check the access permissions to the cluster:
$ kubectl auth can-i get pods
E1112 00:25:56.469718 29444 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current server API group list: the server has asked for the client to provide credentials
E1112 00:25:57.309084 29444 memcache.go:265] couldn't get current server API group list: the server has asked for the client to provide credentials
Warning: the server doesn't have a resource type 'pods'
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
This is because my local user does not have any access to the apiserver/nothing has been granted within the Cluster access configuration
Start in a Change Set named EKS Cluster Access
Update EKS Cluster Access Config
Update the demo-eks-cluster
Right-click on the Component and select Update Cluster Access Config
Note: This change needs to take effect in the cluster before you can add access policies. So you will need to retry the failed access entry actions.
Create Access Entry
Add an Access Entry
to your demo-eks-cluster
eks cluster frame.
Set the Component name to My User
Set the type
Set the principalArn
to <enter your userArn>
NOTE: The principalArn
is the ARN of the user I want to grant access to my cluster.
Add 2 Access Policy
Components to your demo-eks-cluster
eks cluster frame.
Configure them to be as follows:
Component Name | policyArn | accessScope.type |
AmazonEKSAdminPolicy | arn:aws:eks::aws:cluster-access-policy/AmazonEKSAdminPolicy | cluster |
AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy | arn:aws:eks::aws:cluster-access-policy/AmazonEKSClusterAdminPolicy | cluster |
Connect the Principal ARN
Output Socket of the My User
Component to the Principal ARN
Input Sockets of the Access Policy Components
Apply your Change Set
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to see the apply changeset button.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create the correct access policies for your user
NOTE: By adding a user to the Cluster access management, you will need to regenerate a new kubeconfig.
Connect to the Cluster
After the access rules for the cluster have been updated, you can run the command:
$ kubectl auth can-i get pods
Now you can access the details of the pods:
$ kubectl logs -n kube-system -l k8s-app=aws-node
Defaulted container "aws-node" out of: aws-node, aws-eks-nodeagent, aws-vpc-cni-init (init)
Defaulted container "aws-node" out of: aws-node, aws-eks-nodeagent, aws-vpc-cni-init (init)
Installed /host/opt/cni/bin/aws-cni
Installed /host/opt/cni/bin/egress-cni
time="2024-11-12T00:24:32Z" level=info msg="Starting IPAM daemon... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:32Z" level=info msg="Checking for IPAM connectivity... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:34Z" level=info msg="Copying config file... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:34Z" level=info msg="Successfully copied CNI plugin binary and config file."
Installed /host/opt/cni/bin/aws-cni
Installed /host/opt/cni/bin/egress-cni
time="2024-11-12T00:24:29Z" level=info msg="Starting IPAM daemon... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:29Z" level=info msg="Checking for IPAM connectivity... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:31Z" level=info msg="Copying config file... "
time="2024-11-12T00:24:31Z" level=info msg="Successfully copied CNI plugin binary and config file."
Explore your resources
Review the completed AWS resources by clicking the Resource
sub-panel for each of your new resources.
Clean Up
Create a new Change Set called Clean up How-to
Delete your VPC How-to
VPC frame. All of the Components inside will be marked for deletion.
Click Apply Change Set
All your new resources should be deleted from your AWS account.
In this guide bits of System Initiative Vocabulary will be shown with a capital letter. All definitions for these can be found here: System Initative - Vocabulary