How to deploy a static Website with AWS S3 and Cloudfront
This how-to assumes:
- Basic familiarity with System Initiative
- Are familiar with AWS
It will teach you how to deploy a website using AWS S3 and Cloutfront with System Initiative.
We will cover:
- The creation of the correct AWS S3 bucket to host a website
- Deployment of a Cloudfront Distribution for the Website
- Use of Route53 and an ACM Certificate to make it serve traffic from the internet.
All activities in this how-to happen within an AWS Region and AWS Credential.
Start in a Change Set named S3 Website How-to
What it will look like
When you are through with this guide, you should have Components that look like this in your diagram:
Create AWS Credentials
Add a AWS Credential
to your Change Set and configure your AWS credentials
Select an AWS Region
Add a AWS Region
to your Change Set and set the region
property to us-east-1
Create a S3 Bucket
Add a Bucket
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to
Set the BucketName
Set the Acl
to private
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (down)
Set the ObjectOwnership
to be BucketOwnerEnforced
Create a Bucket Website
Add a Bucket Website
to your
bucket frame.
Set the Component name to config
Set the Index Document Suffix
to be index.html
Set the Error Document Key
to be error.html
The Bucket Name
Input Socket of this Bucket Website
Component should get automatically connected to the Bucket Name
Output Socket of Bucket
Create a Bucket Policy
Add a Bucket Policy
to your
bucket frame.
Set the Component name to policy
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (up)
The Bucket Name
Input Socket of this Bucket Policy
frame should get automatically connected to the Bucket Name
Output Socket of Bucket
Create an IAM Policy Statement
Add an IAM Policy Statement
to your policy
Set the Component name to policy statement
Set the Sid
to be PublicReadGetObject
Set the Effect
to be Allow
Set the Principal
to be set: manually
Add an array item
to AWS
and set the value to be *
Add an array item
to Action
and set the value to be s3:GetObject
Create an AWS ARN
Add an AWS ARN
to your
bucket frame.
Set the Component name to be Bucket Policy Resource
Set resource-postfix
to be /*
Input Socket of this AWS ARN
Component should get automatically connected to the ARN
Output Socket of Bucket
Connect the ARN
Output Socket of the AWS ARN
Component to the Resource
Input Socket of the policy
Create a Public Access Block
Add a Bucket Block Public Access
to your
bucket frame.
Set the Component name to be Bucket Access Control
Set BlockPublicAcls
to be false
Set IgnorePublicAcls
to be false
Set BlockPublicPolicy
to be false
Set RestrictPublicBuckets
to be false
The Bucket Name
Input Socket of this Bucket Block Public Access
Component should get automatically connected to the Bucket Name
Output Socket of Bucket
Deploy the Bucket Website
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to select the Workspace.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create an S3 Bucket
- Configure a policy, the public access controls and a website configuration for that bucket
Open a New Changeset
Create a new changeset called S3 Website Cloudfront How-to
Create a Cloudfront Origin
Add a Cloudfront Origin
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be S3-Website
Set the Id
to be S3-Website
Set ProtocolPolocy
to be http-only
to be 443
Set HTTPPort
to be 80
Connect the Website Endpoint
Output Socket of this config
Component to the Domain Name
Input Socket of this S3-Website
Create a Cloudfront Distribution
Add a Cloudfront Distribution
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be Website Cloudfront
Set the DistributionName
to be s3-website
Set Enabled
to be true
Set Comment
to be Distribution for S3 Website
Set TargetOriginId
to be S3-Website
(this must match the Component name of the Cloudfront Origin
Set ViewerProtocolPolicy
to be Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Add 2 array items
to AllowedMethods
and set them to be GET
Add 2 array items
to CachedMethods
and set them to be GET
Add an array item
to Aliases
and set the value to be
Set CachePolicyId
to be CachePolicyOptimized
Set CloudFrontDefaultCertificate
to be false
Set MinimumProtocolVersion
to be TLSv1.2_2021
Connect the Origin
Output Socket of the S3-Website
Component to the Origin
Input Socket of this Website Cloudfront
Create a Hosted Zone
Add a Hosted Zone
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be
Set the Name
to be
Please Note: I am using the domain
as the URL where I will deploy this application. You will need to substitute in your own domain in this next section.
Create an ACM Certificate
Add an ACM Certificate
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be
Set the DomainName
to be
Connect the Certificate ARN
Output Socket of this
Component to the ACM Certificate ARN
Input Socket of the Website Cloudfront
Create an ACM Validation Record
Add a Route53 Record
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be cert validation
Connect the Certificate Validation Options
Output Socket of the
Component to the Certificate Validation Options
input socket of this cert validation
Connect the Hosted Zone ID
Output Socket of the
Component to the Hosted Zone ID
Input Socket of this cert validation
Create an Cloudfront Alias Record
Add a Route53 Record
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be Cloudfront Alias Record
Set the Name
to be
Connect the Domain Name
Output Socket of the Website Cloudfront
Component to the cloudfront DNS
Input Socket of this Cloudfront Alias Record
Connect the Hosted Zone ID
Output Socket of the
Component to the Hosted Zone ID
Input Socket of this Cloudfront Alias Record
Apply your Change Set
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to select the Workspace.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create a Cloudfront Distribution
- Create a Route53 hosted zone
- Create an ACM Certificate and the appropriate DNS validation record
- Create a Route53 Alias for the Cloudfront Distribution
Deploy your website
You can now deploy your website to your specified S3 bucket and then visit the URL that you specified in the Cloudfront Alias Record
. You should also ensure that the nameservers for the hosted zone match that of your domain registrar.
Explore your resources
Review the completed AWS resources by clicking the Resource
sub-panel for each of your new resources.
Clean Up
Create a new Change Set called Clean up How-to
Delete your us-east-1
region frame. All of the Components inside will be marked for deletion.
Click Apply Change Set
All your new resources should be deleted from your AWS account.
In this guide bits of System Initiative Vocabulary will be shown with a capital letter. All definitions for these can be found here: System Initative - Vocabulary