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How to build a highly available AWS EC2 application infrastructure

This how-to assumes:

It will teach you how to create a highly available application architecture and manage it with System Initiative.

We will cover:

  • The creation an EC2 Launch Template and AutoScaling group, with a simple Python application
  • An AWS Application Load Balancer
  • The networking required to allow the application instances to serve traffic to the application


All activities in this how-to happen within a configured VPC, AWS Region and AWS Credential.

Start in a Change Set named EC2 HA How-to.


What it will look like

When you are through with this guide, you should have Components that look like this in your Diagram:

AWS HA EC2 Diagram

Create a Loadbalancer Component

Create Loadbalancer Add a Loadbalancer to your VPC How-to vpc frame.

Set the Component name to application-lb.

Set the LbName to application-alb.

Set the IpAddressType to be ipv4.

Set the LbType to be application.

Set the Scheme to be internet-facing.

Connect the Subnet ID Output Socket of each of the public subnet Components to the Subnet ID Input Socket of the application-alb Component.

Create an EC2 security group Component for the Loadbalancer

Create Security Group

Add a Security Group to your application-alb loadbalancer frame.

Set the Component name to ALB Security Group.

Set the GroupName to ALB Security Group.

Set the Description to be ALB to the world

Connect the Security Group ID Output Socket of ALB Security Group Component to the Security Group ID Input Socket of the application-alb frame.

Create an Ec2 Ingress Rule Component

Create Security Group

Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress) to your application-alb loadbalancer frame.

Set the Component name to be alb-8080-ingress.

Set the Description to be Public traffic to HTTP 8080.

Set the TrafficPort to be 8080/tcp.

Add an IpRange array item.

Set the IP Range [CIDR] to be and the Description to be The world.

Connect the Security Group ID Output Socket of ALB Security Group Component to the Security Group ID Input Socket of this alb-8080-ingress Component.

Create a Listener Component

Create Listener

Add a Listener Component to your application-alb loadbalancer frame.

Set the Component name to HTTP:8080.

Set the Port to be 8080.

Set the Protocol to be HTTP.

Resize the frame to be large enough to fit another Component.

Create a Target Group

Create Target Group

Add a Target Group Component to your Listener frame.

Set the Component name to app-tg.

Set TgName to be app-tg.

Set HealthCheckEnabled to be enabled.

Set HealthCheckIntervalSeconds to 30 seconds.

Set HealthCheckPath to be /health.

Set HealthCheckPort to be 8080.

Set HealthCheckProtocol to be HTTP.

Set HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds to be 5.

Set HealthyThresholdCount to be 5.

Set HttpCode to be 200.

Set Port to be 8080.

Set Protocol to be HTTP.

Set UnhealthyThresholdCount to be 2.

Connect the Target Group ARN Output Socket of app-tg Component to the Target Group ARN Input Socket of the HTTP:8080 frame.

Create an Application Frame

Create Application Frame

Add a Generic Frame Component to your VPC frame.

Set the Component name to be Application.

Resize the frame to hold many Components.

Create an IAM Role

Create IAM Role

Add an AWS IAM Role Component to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-role.

Set the RoleName to application-role.

Set the Description to EC2 Application Role.

Set the Path to /si-tutorial/.

Create an Assume Role Policy

Create Assume Role

Add an AWS IAM Policy Statement within the application-role AWS IAM Role frame.

Set the Component name to allow-ec2.

Set the Effect to Allow.

Add an array item to the Action array.

Set the [0] value for the Action array to sts:AssumeRole.

Create an AWS IAM AWS Service Principal

Create Service Principal

Add an AWS IAM Service Principal within the application-role AWS IAM Role frame.

Set the Component name to ec2 service.

Set the Service to

Connect the Principal Output Socket of the ec2-service AWS IAM AWS Service Principal to the Principal Input Socket of your allow-ec2 AWS IAM Policy Statement.

Create an IAM Instance Profile

Create IAM Instance

Add an IAM Instance Profile to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-instance-profile-how-to.

Set the InstanceProfileName to application-instance-profile-how-to.

Set the Path to /si-tutorial/.

Connect the Role Name Output Socket of application-role IAM Role Component to the Role Name Input Socket of the application-instance-profile IAM Instance Profile Component.

Create a Security Group Component for the Application

Create Security Group

Add a Security Group to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-sg

Set the GroupName to application-sg.

Set the Description to be Application Security Group

Create an Ec2 Ingress Rule Component

Application Ingress

Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress) to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to be application-8080-ingress.

Set the Description to be 8080 inbound to the node.

Set the TrafficPort to be 8080/tcp.

Connect the Security Group ID Output Socket of application-sg Component to the Security Group ID Input Socket of this application-8080-ingress Component.

Connect the Security Group ID Output Socket of ALB Security Group Component to the Source Traffic Security Group ID Input Socket of this application-8080-ingress Component.

Create a Key Pair Component

Create Key Pair

Add a Key Pair to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-key-pair.

Set the KeyName to application-key-pair.

Create an AMI Component

Create AMI

Add an AMI to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to be Amazon Linux 2023.

Set the ImageId to be ami-0ba9883b710b05ac6.

Create a Launch Template Component

Create Launch Template

Add a Launch Template Component to your Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-launch-template-how-to.

Set the LaunchTemplateName to application-launch-template-how-to.

Set the InstanceType to be t3.small

Set the UserData to be:

# Update the system
yum update -y

# Install Python 3 and pip
yum install -y python3 python3-pip

# Install Git
yum install -y git

# Create a directory for the application
mkdir -p /opt/flask-app
cd /opt/flask-app

# Create the application file
cat <<EOT >
from flask import Flask
import requests
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

def get_instance_id():
        instance_id = requests.get("", timeout=2).text
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
        instance_id = "Unknown (not running on EC2)"
    return instance_id

def hello():
    instance_id = get_instance_id()
    return f"""
    <h1>Hello from EC2!</h1>
    <p>This response is served by instance: {instance_id}</p>
    <p>Refresh the page to see load balancing in action.</p>

def health_check():
    return "OK", 200

if __name__ == '__main__':'', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080)))

# Install the Python dependencies
pip3 install --ignore-installed requests Flask

# Create a systemd service file for the Flask app
cat <<EOT > /etc/systemd/system/flask-app.service
Description=Flask App

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /opt/flask-app/


# Reload systemd, enable and start the Flask app service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable flask-app
systemctl start flask-app

Connect the Security Group ID Output Socket of application-sg Component to the Security Group ID Input Socket of this application-launch-template Component.

Connect the Key Name Output Socket of application-key-pair-how-to Component to the Key Name Input Socket of this application-launch-template Component.

Connect the ARN Output Socket of application-instance-profile Component to the Instance Profile ARN Input Socket of this application-launch-template Component.

Connect the Image ID Output Socket of Amazon Linux 2023 Component to the Image ID Input Socket of this application-launch-template Component.

Create an AutoScaling Group Component

Create AutoScaling Group

Add an AutoScaling Group Component to the Application frame.

Set the Component name to application-asg.

Set AutoScalingGroupName to be application-asg.

Set DesiredCapacity to be 1.

Set MaxSize to be 1.

Set MinSize to be 0.

Connect the Launch Template Output Socket of application-launch-template Component to the Launch Template Input Socket of this application-asg Component.

Connect the Subnet ID Output Socket of each of the Public subnet Components to the Subnet ID Input Socket of this application-asg Component.

Connect the Target Group ARN Output Socket of each of the app-tg Target Group to the Target Group ARN Input Socket of this application-asg Component.

Apply your Change Set

Apply Change Set

Press Escape or click anywhere on the canvas background to select the Workspace.

Click the Apply Change Set button to:

  • Create a Key Pair
  • Create 2 Security Groups and associated ingress rules
  • Create an application load balancer, a listener and a target group
  • Create an IAM Role and IAM Instance Profile
  • Create a Launch Template and an AutoScaling Group (that will create an instance)

Explore your resources

Review the completed AWS resources by clicking the Resource sub-panel for each of your new resources.

Clean Up

Create a new Change Set called Clean up How-to

Delete your VPC How-to VPC frame. All of the Components inside will be marked for deletion.

Click Apply Change Set.

All your new resources should be deleted from your AWS account.


In this guide bits of System Initiative Vocabulary will be shown with a capital letter. All definitions for these can be found here: System Initative - Vocabulary