How to deploy an AWS ECR hosted image in AWS ECS
This how-to assumes:
- Basic familiarity with System Initiative
- Are familiar with AWS ECR and AWS ECS
- Have docker cli installed locally
- You have completed the build an AWS VPC with System Initiative tutorial (and not deleted the resulting resources)
It will teach you how to deploy an AWS ECR Repository, build and push a docker container to it, then deploy that application on AWS ECS with System Initiative.
We will cover:
- The creation of an ECR Repository
- The creation of an ECS cluster with a deployed service
- An AWS Application Load Balancer
- The networking required to allow the ECS service to service traffic to the load balancer
All activities in this how-to happen within an AWS Region and AWS Credential.
Start in a Change Set named ECR Infrastructure How-to
What it will look like
When you are through with this guide, you should have Components that look like this in your Diagram:
Create AWS Credentials
Add a AWS Credential
to your Change Set and configure your AWS credentials
Select an AWS Region
Add a AWS Region
to your Change Set and set the region
property to us-east-1
Create an ECR Repository
Add an ECR Private Repository
to your us-east-1
region frame.
Set the Component name to be demo-app-repo policy
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (down)
Set the repositoryName
to be demo-app-repo
Set ForceDelete
to be true
Create an ECR Repository Policy
Add an ECR Repository Policy
to your demo-app-repo
repository frame.
Set the Component name to be demo-app-repo policy
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (up)
Create an IAM Condition Operator
Add an IAM Condition Operator
to the demo-app-repo policy
Set Component name to be ECSAllow Tag
Set the ConditionKey
to be aws:PrincipalTag/ECSAccess
Set the ConditionOperator
to be StringEquals
Set the ConditionValue
to be set manually
Add an array item to ConditionValue
Set the value to be True
Create an IAM Policy Statement
Add an IAM Policy Statement
to the demo-app-repo policy
Set the Component name to be AllowPullForECSTasks
Set the Sid
to be AllowPullForECSTasks
Set the Principal
to be set manually
Add an array item to the AWS
Set the value to be *
Set Effect
to be Allow
Add 3 array items to Action
Set the values to be:
Connect the Condition
Output Socket of the ECSAllow Tag
Component to the Condition
Input Socket of this AllowPullForECSTasks
Apply your ECR Infrastructure Change Set
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to select the Workspace.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create an ECR Private Repository
- Create an ECR Private Repository Policy
Build & Push Docker Image
The demo application to deploy in ECS is infrastructureascode/hello-world. This is a very simple app that returns Hello, World!
message at the /
path and has a /metrics
and a /health
Firstly, docker pull
this container locally:
docker pull infrastructureascode/hello-world
Go to the Resource
tab of the demo-app-repo
Component and select Resource Data
. This data includes the repositoryUri
Next, docker tag
the image for the ECR container created:
docker tag infrastructureascode/hello-world 'repositoryUri':latest
Note: the use of repositoryUri
. Ensure the correct data from the Resource Data
is added to this command.
Next, docker login
to the ECR repository, similar to the following:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS
Note: You must be authenticated to the correct AWS account to run this command. You can find the accountId from the repositoryUri
Lastly, docker push
the image:
docker push 'repositoryUri':latest
Create a new Change Set
Create a new Change Set called ECS Infra
Create a Loadbalancer Component
Add a Loadbalancer
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (down)
Set the Component name to application-alb
Set the LbName
to application-alb
Set the IpAddressType
to be ipv4
Set the LbType
to be application
Set the Scheme
to be internet-facing
Connect the Subnet ID
Output Socket of each of the public subnet Components to the Subnet ID
Input Socket of the application-alb
Create a Security Group Component for the Loadbalancer
Add a Security Group
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to alb-sg
Set the GroupName
to alb-sg
Set the Description
to be Security Group to allow access to the Loadbalancer
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of alb-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of the application-alb
Create an Ingress Rule Component
Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress)
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to be alb-80-ingress
Set the Description
to be Ingress to allow 80 from the world
Set the TrafficPort
to be 80/tcp
Add an IpRange
array item.
Set the IP Range [CIDR]
to be
and the Description
to be The world
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of alb-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of this alb-80-ingress
Create a Listener Components
Add a Listener
Component to your application-alb
loadbalancer frame.
Set the Component name to HTTP:80
Set the Port
to be 80
Set the Protocol
to be HTTP
Resize the frame to be large enough to fit another Component.
Create a Target Group
Add a Target Group
Component to your Listener
Set the Component name to app-tg
Set TgName
to be app-tg
Set HealthCheckEnabled
to be enabled.
Set HealthCheckIntervalSeconds
to 30
Set HealthCheckPath
to be /health
Set HealthCheckPort
to be 8080
Set HealthCheckProtocol
to be HTTP
Set HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds
to be 5
Set HealthyThresholdCount
to be 5
Set HttpCode
to be 200
Set Port
to be 80
Set Protocol
to be HTTP
Set TargetType
to be ip
Set UnhealthyThresholdCount
to be 2
Connect the Target Group ARN
Output Socket of app-tg
Component to the Target Group ARN
Input Socket of the HTTP:80
Create an IAM Role
Add an AWS IAM Role
Component to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to ecs-tasks-service
Set the RoleName
to ecs-tasks-service
Set the Description
to IAM Role to allow ECS to spawn tasks
Add an array item to Tags
Set the Key
to be ECSAccess
Set the Value
to be Allow
Create an AWS IAM Policy Statement
Add an AWS IAM Policy Statement
within the ecs-tasks-service
AWS IAM Role frame.
Set the Component name to ecs-tasks-assume-role-policy
Set the Effect
to Allow
Add an array item to the Action
Set the [0]
value for the Action
array to sts:AssumeRole
Set the Principal
to be set manually
Add an array item to the Service
Set the value to be
Create a Security Group Component for the Application
Add a Security Group
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to container-sg
Set the GroupName
to container-sg
Set the Description
to be Container Security Group
Create an Ingress Rule Component for the Application
Add a Security Group Rule (Ingress)
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component name to be container-8080-ingress
Set the Description
to be Ingress to allow access to port 8080
Set the TrafficPort
to be 8080/tcp
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of container-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of thiscontainer-80-ingress
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of alb-sg
Component to the Source Traffic Security Group ID
Input Socket of this container-80-ingress
Create an ECS Cluster
Add an ECS Cluster
to your VPC How-to
vpc frame.
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (down)
Set the Component name to application-cluster
Set the ClusterName
to application-cluster
Set the Description
to be Cluster to run the Tutorial App
Create an ECS Service
Add an ECS Service
to your application-cluster
cluster frame.
Set the Component name to demo-service
Set the serviceName
to demo-service
Set the desiredCount
to be 1
Set the description
to be Service to run my demo application
Connect the Subnet ID
Output Socket of each of the private subnet Components to the Subnet ID
Input Socket of this demo-service
Connect the Security Group ID
Output Socket of container-sg
Component to the Security Group ID
Input Socket of this demo-service
Create an ECS Task Definition
Add an ECS Task Definition
to your demo-service
service frame.
Set the Component type to be Configuration Frame (up)
Set the Component name to demo-app
Set the taskDefinitionFamily
to be demo-app
Set cpu
to be 0.25 vCPU
Set memory
to be .5 GB
Set the runtimePlatform
based on the architecture of the container image.
Connect the ARN
Output Socket of the ecs-tasks-service
AWS IAM Role to the Task Role ARN
Input Socket of your demo-app
ECS Task Definition.
Create a Container Definition
Add a Container Definition
to your demo-app
Set the Component name to hello-world
Set Name
to hello-world
Set Essential
to be selected.
Connect the Repository Uri
Output Socket of the demo-app-repo
to the Container Image
Input Socket of this hello-world
container definition.
Create an ECS Container Definition Port Mapping
Add a ECS Container Definition Port Mapping
to the demo-app
Set the Component name to be http
Set the name
to be http
Set the containerPort
to be 8080
Set the hostPort
to be 8080
Set the protocol
to be tcp
Connect the Port Mapping
Output Socket of this http
ECS Container Defintion Port Mapping to the Port Mapping
Input Socket of the hello-world
Container Defintion.
Create a ECS Load Balancer Configuration
Add a ECS Load Balancer Configuration
to the demo-service
Set the Component name to be lb-config
Connect the Target Group ARN
Output Socket of the app-tg
Target Group to the Target Group ARN
Input Socket of this lb-config
Connect the Container Name
Output Socket of the hello-world
Container Defintion to the Container Name
Input Socket of this lb-config
Connect the Container Port
Output Socket of the http
ECS Container Defintion Port Mapping to the Container Port
Input Socket of this lb-config
Create an IAM Role Policy
Add a IAM Role Policy
to the How to VPC
Set the Component name to be ecs-tasks-service additional policy
Set the PolicyArn
to be arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonECSTaskExecutionRolePolicy
Connect the RoleName
Output Socket of the ecs-tasks-service
IAM Role to the RoleName
Input Socket of this ecs-tasks-service additional policy
Apply your Change Set
Press Escape
or click anywhere on the canvas background to select the Workspace.
Click the Apply Change Set
button to:
- Create 2 Security Groups and associated ingress rules
- Create an application load balancer, a listener and a target group
- Create an IAM Role and IAM Instance Profile
- Create an ECS Cluser and the associated service with a running task
Explore your resources
Review the completed AWS resources by clicking the Resource
sub-panel for each of your new resources.
Select the application-alb
Component on the Model. Go to the Resource Data
screen and you will find the DNSName
. You can visit that URL in the browser and inspect the running application.
Clean Up
Create a new Change Set called Clean up How-to
Delete your VPC How-to
VPC frame. All of the Components inside will be marked for deletion.
Click Apply Change Set
All your new resources should be deleted from your AWS account.
In this guide bits of System Initiative Vocabulary will be shown with a capital letter. All definitions for these can be found here: System Initative - Vocabulary